Farewell for Elder and Sister Skelton

After a maximum extension, Bryan and Christine Skelton reached the end of their mission. While both agreed it was time to go home, one can not work and serve as they did and not feel sad to leave West Africa. On the other side, those with whom they have associated all felt a strong love for them and a sadness to see them move on. Since they were the shepherds that helped us through the difficult first few weeks, and then remained close friends with daily contact, we felt like a lifeline had been severed. We have promised to cause our paths to cross again.

Skeltons with Area Presidency
Bryan, Pres. Workman, Pres. Child, Pres. Shultz, Christine
The Skeltons served this Area Presidency as executive secretary and administrative assistant
for nearly two years. Not only did they do a lot of work, they facilitated the work of others.
They leavened the whole loaf! And always with a smile.

Batik Tablecloth
Employees gave the Skeltons a unique, batik tablecloth.
Can you find Moroni in this African village scene?

Safe Journey Cake
"Safe Journey" is an African goodbye
to a friend who is traveling.
Cutting the Cake

Missing Skeltons Missing Skeltons
Do you think that Pres. Child (middle)
has feelings for the Skeltons?
They also worked together in the
Philippines on the Skeltons first mission.
The face says it all.
The executive secretary to the end,
when the farewell ran a little long,
Bryan starts directing traffic again.

Adios, Poncho.

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